QS™ DNA Extraction kit provides new DNA extraction method for DNA testing. It is extremely quick and simple, taking 2 steps and ~5 minutes to extract DNA from many type of tissues and cells. The tested tissues are listed below.
- Biofluids: blood, swab samples, semen, sputum, and spent culture medium
- Bacterial cultures and mammalian cell cultures
- Biological samples
- Feces
- Environmental samples, river and pond water samples
- Agricultural samples: animal, plant and crop samples
GenoExplorer™ microRNA array full kit provides a complete and easy-to-use kit with selective labeling procedure using total RNA (no enrichment required!) combined with a highly sensitive and reproducible assay. The arrays contain not only mature but precursor probes as well.
GenoExplorer™ microRNA array labeling kit directly labels RNA molecules resulting in a highly effective and selective labeling method (no enrichment required!) for both animals and plants
The two-step protocol, including lysis and balance, has eliminated phenol/chloroform procedures and many washes. The extracted DNA can be directly used for PCR and sequencing analysis. No cleanup is needed.
User Manual provides a step-by-step assay protocol.
The main features include:
- Fast results. It takes only ~5 minutes to extract DNA in most samples.
- Fewer procedures. It involves two steps. No washes and other procedures are needed.
- Easy to use. Simpler and fewer steps.
- Low cost. Reduced many other steps, such as phenol/chloroform, and washes.
- High success rate.
The QS™ DNA extraction kit contains reagents that lyse cells, denature proteins and protect nucleic acids from nucleases and oxidation.
The two-step protocol, including lysis and balance, has eliminated phenol/chloroform procedures and many washes. The extracted DNA can be directly used for PCR and sequencing analysis. No cleanup is needed.