Educational Resources EduPrimer™ Products SystemOrder on Catalog OverviewHuman Genetics and Biomedical Sciences: EduPrimer™Alu DNA Profiling Kit (TPA-25, PV92)EduPrimer™ VNTR DNA Profiling Kit Genotype vs. Phenotype: Genetics of Taste Kit Food Poisoning Kit I and IIDNA Isolation Kit Isothermal-amplification Kit Take -Home Kit Forensic Science and Public Safety:DNA Fingerprinting Kit I and IISibling Match Kit I and IIEduPrimer™ VNTR DNA Profiling KitBacterial Genetics and Environmental Sciences::Water Analysis Kit Marine Biology:Shark Week Kit I and IIAgriculture, Plant and Animal Biotechnology:GMO Identification Kit Water Analysis KitAnimal Identification: Catch a Predator Kit I and IIPlant Identification: Crop Diversity Kit I and II Have something in mind that you’re looking for to use in your teaching labs but can’t find it anywhere? GenoSensor is always looking to provide new resources and kits to better biological education everywhere.Click here to offer your suggestion for us to consider!